To start off this thread, I have to first say I have never seen a man that has served in so many capacities in so many different branches of service! Captain Joseph F-E-K-E-T-E Jr was born in New York in 1909. At the young age of 17 he enlisted in the United States Marine Corps and served with them from Jan '26 through Oct '29. It was during this time he was awarded the Marine Corps Expeditionary Medal and the Second Nicaraguan Campaign Medal. In 1933, he continued his service to this nation in the Navy serving as a Sea2C until 1937. Wanting something less liquid under his boots he then joined the Army, serving as an enlistedman from 1937 until Sept 16 1940 when he was commissioned as a 2nd Lt under the New York National Guard. He found his way to the Easy Company, 2nd Regiment, 5th Infantry Division which he eventually wound up being the Company Commander when the previous CC was captured as a POW. In November of 1944, his fearless leadership saved numerous members of his company (read the citations below) and he was awarded the Silver Star Medal AND the British Military Cross for this particular battle.
This uniform came to me minus the ribbons and metal insignia which currently reside in Tarbridge's collection. Capt F-E-K-E-T-E's medals also can be seen here :
I painstakingly restored the ribbon bar using all period correct pieces (which is no easy task) and it matches his originals perfectly.
Please take a moment to read the Citations and think about the bravery and courage this man displayed on a November day over 72 years ago!