Lt George B. B-E-C-K-H-E-L-M enlisted in the Army in 1942. He was commissioned as a pilot in 1943 and quickly made his way to the 8th AAF in England. He flew several missions as a co-pilot before the fateful day in June of 1943 when his B-17 took a direct hit, severely wounding this LT. Please read the newspaper articles below and witness the moment captured on film by an official Army Air Force photographer when this brave officer was awarded the Silver Star. I was completely shocked when I stumbled across this photo!
This particular uniform is his cropped jacket (not pictured) that was manufactured and then tailored in England. All of the insignia is wartime original. I am currently waiting on his records and I will update the thread whenever they make it in. Enjoy! This one is amazing to hold in person. You just can't beat Wolf-Brown ribbon bars and Sterling insignia!
Please to whom ever wrote the article or is the one who posted the uniform. My name is Ryan beckhelm. Relative of the subject in the article. Can u please reach out to me. I would love to acquire my relatives articles. Money is no object. Please.